Sponsor Review : Introducing the first Organic Skincare Black Paint
Sponsor Review : Introducing the first Organic Skincare ''Black Paint'' Is an organic skincare brand established in Kyoto 15 years ago by Miyuki Maeda. Combining ancient wisdom of beauty secrets, modern bacteriology and contemporary natural & organic lifestyle, Miyuki has successfully found the formula to solve skin problems rooting from skin pores by leveraging on the power of nature. Natural and Organic!!! (I'm surprise to find beauty products which is natural and organic, which is awesome!) Somehow i really love Japanese women complexion. So smooth and good. (LOL) Our human bodies are a part of nature, and profoundly connected with it on every level. Without nature's nourishing and healing materials, we could not exist. BLACK PAINT was founded on the realization that this is as true for our skin as for every other part of our body. Only pure, organic materials can return the skin to its original state of healthy, beautiful balance, wh...